10 more  

Posted by Faithe Thomas

30. The new, helpful website that I was able to put together that is so helpful to homeschoolers: Home School Association

29. Hugs. I love my daughters hugs - and I like to give them too.

28. Comfortable bed. God gives us time to shut down, recoup, sort through, and rest. I am grateful that I have a nice bed upon which to do that.

27. Organization. God is a God of order, not confusion. I prefer my house to be ordered, but it doesn't alway happen. There's such peace when it is!

26. Sunlight. What an amazing aspect of God. Jesus said He was Light. Sunlight finds its way into every room and every corner. The more we unblock the windows, the more light we have. The more we remove the "blockers" in our lives, the more Jesus can shine in.

25. Sight. When I have problems with my eyes, I am more aware of how much I use sight. What an amazing gift God has given us! The same would be true spiritually. Our spiritual sight allows us to see things we never would have otherwise.

24. Signs of hunger. If we didn't know we were hungry, how would we know when to eat?

23. Smiles. They are contagious.

22. Language. Without communication we would lead very solitary lives. The capacity to learn to communicate is such a great gift!

21. Water. It cleans, refreshes, feeds, cools.

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 14, 2008 at Thursday, August 14, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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